Game Review – Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

by Ian Dean 2005 saw the introduction of the High Definition gaming generation. Pictures were clearer, sharper, and graphics were finally reaching a level where games could tell stories that were not only epic or fascinating, but visually cinematic. After the abysmal spinoff that was Shadow the Hedgehog, Sega realised that steps needed to be […]

Game Review – Mass Effect

by Ian Dean There are few games that have defined this current generation of consoles. CoD 4: Modern Warfare, Little Big Planet, Minecraft, Dead Space, Assassin’s Creed, Portal, Gears of War, and Batman: Arkham Asylum; these are just a few of the greatest games available on this generation of consoles. But if I had to […]

Game Review – XCOM: Enemy Unknown

by Ian Dean We all know that when aliens invade the earth, Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum will save us by downloading a computer virus into the alien mothership. However, on the off chance that a human virus is actually incompatible with the alien technology, Civilisation developer Firaxis has given us XCOM: Enemy Unknown, obviously […]

Memory Lane – Project Gotham Racing

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass Driving; it’s a fundamental part of our human development. When traversing the pitfalls of the teenage years our lives are structured towards three simple goals; finishing school, having intercourse and learning to drive. In console terms the driving genre has a similar amount of structure. Games normally fall into one of […]

Game Review – Alpha Protocol

by Ian Dean Released in 2010 by Obsidian and published by Sega, Alpha Protocol had been touted as the spiritual successor to the fantastic Deus Ex series. With Human Revolution to follow the next year, the claim was bold. Since the original Deus Ex in 2000, no-one had successfully merged the action, stealth and role-playing-game […]

Memory Lane: F.E.A.R.

by James “Bassman” Bass First Encounter Assault Recon; so much more than a cool acronym; in late 2005 it was the only thing I could talk about. Allow me to paint a picture; it’s November 14th-my birthday- and following 2 weeks of absolute hell on a Cypriote army base (don’t ask me why) I return […]

Game Review – Halo 4

By Ian Dean Though this year has several heavy hitters, most notably Black Ops II, expectations are pretty high for 343′s first foray into the Halo world they now manage. Taking over from Bungie as the  new stewards of the franchise, their task was to craft a Halo game that would survive the big hitters […]

Memory Lane: Halo

(Please be aware at the time of writing I have not yet experienced the delights of Halo 4) By James ‘Bassman’ Bass Christmas 2002; I’m 15 and, barring the conclusion of Star Trek: Voyager, life is going relatively well. I’ve spent the majority of the year chasing girls, dreaming of becoming a wrestler, and worrying about who I’ll take […]

Retro Review: Sonic Adventure

As a kid, I owned a Mega Drive, and I played it whenever I could, so it’s no surprise I ended up in the Sonic fanbase when I was young. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to manage to get another console until the original Xbox was released; I’ve missed out on a lot of great games, […]