by Ian Dean Apologies for the large gap between articles – been busy. I don’t know about you, but a dark, cold chill runs down my spine whenever a developer uses the phrase ‘appeal to a wider audience’. In fact, I just shuddered writing it myself. It’s not a statement I like very much. Part […]

Memory Lane – Half Life 2

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass When was the last time you heard a good story? For me, it was last weekend – I was chatting with a friend who regaled about his exploits from the previous Saturday with a buxom beauty at a local nightclub (always makes for good listening). Also, I saw Skyfall again last […]

Report – Xbox One Reveal

by Ian Dean I love my 360 – it is my gaming machine of choice. Aside from the countless hours I’ve invested into my account, I seem to prefer Halo over Killzone, Forza over Gran Turismo, and Gears over God of War. Though I was thoroughly impressed by Sony’s presentation earlier this year, I was […]

Memory Lane – Alien vs Predator

By James ‘Bassman’ Bass The 1980’s were a seminal time; a decade defined by excess and socially valuable moments. On one hand you have lower end of the spectrum – terrible clothes, worse haircuts and yuppies polluting almost every nightclub on Friday nights (a la Christian Bale/American Psycho). On the hand there’s the good stuff […]

Game Review – Mass Effect 2

by Ian Dean When the original Mass Effect was released in 2007, it was advertised as the first of a trilogy, an overarching story that took decisions from game to game to build a continuity between the titles. So when Mass Effect 2 eventually followed in 2010, the pressure was on Bioware to prove that […]

First Time Gaming Moments

Computer games are littered with fresh experiences; whenever you pick up your control pad after purchasing a copy of that month’s ‘triple A’ title, you are willingly embarking on a journey of amusement and discovery. Nowadays the modern game offsets scripted dialogue with formatted set pieces, all of which are entertaining, but seldom catching you […]

Memory Lane – Gears of War

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass In two years time, when you’re sitting in front of your Xbox 720/Playstation 4 marveling at the impossibly shiny, next-gen goodness and a loved one strolls by and says something uninformed like ‘that doesn’t look any different from the last system you bought,’ what’s the first image you’ll think of? You […]

Retro Review – Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

by Ian Dean There are very few film franchises that have ever had the video game success that Star Wars enjoys. True, not every game bearing the franchise’s name has been pure gold (*cough*Masters-of-Teras-Kasi*cough*), but that doesn’t deny the number of great titles set in that galaxy far, far away. Jedi Outcast, the second Jedi […]

Memory Lane – Project Gotham Racing

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass Driving; it’s a fundamental part of our human development. When traversing the pitfalls of the teenage years our lives are structured towards three simple goals; finishing school, having intercourse and learning to drive. In console terms the driving genre has a similar amount of structure. Games normally fall into one of […]

Game Review – Alpha Protocol

by Ian Dean Released in 2010 by Obsidian and published by Sega, Alpha Protocol had been touted as the spiritual successor to the fantastic Deus Ex series. With Human Revolution to follow the next year, the claim was bold. Since the original Deus Ex in 2000, no-one had successfully merged the action, stealth and role-playing-game […]