Memory Lane – Alien vs Predator

By James ‘Bassman’ Bass The 1980’s were a seminal time; a decade defined by excess and socially valuable moments. On one hand you have lower end of the spectrum – terrible clothes, worse haircuts and yuppies polluting almost every nightclub on Friday nights (a la Christian Bale/American Psycho). On the hand there’s the good stuff […]

Top Five: Star Wars Games That Need Updating

by Ian Dean Okay, so I missed May the Fourth. Sadly, fate conspired to keep me busy in a non-Star-Wars capacity. I did, however, hear the announcement that EA has signed a ‘multi-year agreement’ with LucasArts to develop and publish future Star Wars games. In fact, according the the press release from, DICE (Battlefield […]

Game Review – Mass Effect 2

by Ian Dean When the original Mass Effect was released in 2007, it was advertised as the first of a trilogy, an overarching story that took decisions from game to game to build a continuity between the titles. So when Mass Effect 2 eventually followed in 2010, the pressure was on Bioware to prove that […]

Memory Lane – The Sims

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass Do sales make the game? As our favourite interactive medium devolves into a circus of sequels & repetition (save for the occasional original title like Watchdogs or Remember Me) the following question couldn’t be more appropriate: at the end of the day, is the thing that matters most cold, hard cash? […]

Memory Lane – 007: Agent Under Fire

What would you do if you had to make a sequel to one of the most beloved games of all time? Seriously, what would you do? Yea, I’m a little flustered by the poignancy of the question as well. When it comes to the James Bond brand the answer is never easy. No matter how […]

Memory Lane – Dead or Alive 4

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass What makes a good computer game? Is it shiny graphics, responsive controls or good, old-fashioned well-constructed story telling? Ultimately the answer to that question is up to you- the game-endorsing public. These days, as production values soar so do expectations. Sure, in the indie market things are judged more on originality […]

Memory Lane – Gears of War

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass In two years time, when you’re sitting in front of your Xbox 720/Playstation 4 marveling at the impossibly shiny, next-gen goodness and a loved one strolls by and says something uninformed like ‘that doesn’t look any different from the last system you bought,’ what’s the first image you’ll think of? You […]

Report – Sony unveil PS4 at event in New York

by Ian Dean Last night, on the 20th February 2013, Sony hosted an event in New York to discuss the ‘future of Playstation’. Of course, everyone pretty much knew what was coming: Sony would unveil the Playstation 4. Educated guesses were made, expectations were raised, but when it came down to it, Sony just didn’t […]

Retro Review – Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

by Ian Dean There are very few film franchises that have ever had the video game success that Star Wars enjoys. True, not every game bearing the franchise’s name has been pure gold (*cough*Masters-of-Teras-Kasi*cough*), but that doesn’t deny the number of great titles set in that galaxy far, far away. Jedi Outcast, the second Jedi […]

Memory Lane – Pro Evolution Soccer

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass Human beings love sport. It’s a simple truth, but a universal one. The most recent Olympics proved that, even if the regularity of the event is 4 years apart and it costs billions to produce, we will flock in our droves as to be at the epicenter. But if a global […]