Memory Lane – Dead Space

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass It’s time for a change; normally I use this segment as a vehicle to evoke some lost nostalgia, a dormant memory of some great game finally coming back to life after ‘x’ number of years. But not this time. This article will be devoted to something more current; an encounter I […]

Memory Lane – Project Gotham Racing

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass Driving; it’s a fundamental part of our human development. When traversing the pitfalls of the teenage years our lives are structured towards three simple goals; finishing school, having intercourse and learning to drive. In console terms the driving genre has a similar amount of structure. Games normally fall into one of […]

Memory Lane – Devil May Cry

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass This one…this one’s a big one. Devil May Cry; ‘DMC’, the daddy of the third-person action/adventure genre. Such an effortlessly cool game; no fancy game modes where you face wave after wave of the undead, no ridiculous in-game advertisement or ability to link your high scores to Facebook (even though that […]

Memory Lane – GoldenEye 007

By James ‘Bassman’ Bass   Ok, ok. So I know it’s an obvious one, but to omit a discussion about GoldenEye when recollecting a list of your favourite games? Simply ridiculous. Rare’s FPS masterpiece is just that: a masterpiece. A (pardon the pun) rare occasion when film and game merge in harmony and the result […]

Memory Lane – WCW/NWO Revenge

by James “Bassman” Bass The Ultra 64 (or as the majority of you will know it, the Nintendo 64); what a piece of hardware! Four controller ports, acute loading times, smooth graphics and Mario 64 from launch. There literally were no downsides. Well…strictly speaking that isn’t true; Blurry textures, horrifying slow down and inflated prices […]

Memory Lane: F.E.A.R.

by James “Bassman” Bass First Encounter Assault Recon; so much more than a cool acronym; in late 2005 it was the only thing I could talk about. Allow me to paint a picture; it’s November 14th-my birthday- and following 2 weeks of absolute hell on a Cypriote army base (don’t ask me why) I return […]