Memory Lane – Virtua Tennis

Let’s do some word association: football? Glamorous. American Football? Punishing. Basketball? Exciting. Tennis? Boring. Enjoyable to play (I presume) but to watch…plain, old boring. Every year people conjugate in the same part of London, on the same wind-swept summer days (when will we get some sunshine?) to observe a series of events that will determine […]

First Time Gaming Moments

Computer games are littered with fresh experiences; whenever you pick up your control pad after purchasing a copy of that month’s ‘triple A’ title, you are willingly embarking on a journey of amusement and discovery. Nowadays the modern game offsets scripted dialogue with formatted set pieces, all of which are entertaining, but seldom catching you […]

Memory Lane – Project Gotham Racing

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass Driving; it’s a fundamental part of our human development. When traversing the pitfalls of the teenage years our lives are structured towards three simple goals; finishing school, having intercourse and learning to drive. In console terms the driving genre has a similar amount of structure. Games normally fall into one of […]

Review – Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2

by Ian Dean Ninja Gaiden 2 was released in 2008, but only for Xbox 360. PlayStation 3 fans would have to wait until the following year for their version but Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 was definitely worth the wait. Sigma 2 featured some significant changes from the 360 version, including some graphical and technical upgrades […]

Game Review – Alpha Protocol

by Ian Dean Released in 2010 by Obsidian and published by Sega, Alpha Protocol had been touted as the spiritual successor to the fantastic Deus Ex series. With Human Revolution to follow the next year, the claim was bold. Since the original Deus Ex in 2000, no-one had successfully merged the action, stealth and role-playing-game […]

Memory Lane: F.E.A.R.

by James “Bassman” Bass First Encounter Assault Recon; so much more than a cool acronym; in late 2005 it was the only thing I could talk about. Allow me to paint a picture; it’s November 14th-my birthday- and following 2 weeks of absolute hell on a Cypriote army base (don’t ask me why) I return […]