Report – Xbox One Reveal

by Ian Dean I love my 360 – it is my gaming machine of choice. Aside from the countless hours I’ve invested into my account, I seem to prefer Halo over Killzone, Forza over Gran Turismo, and Gears over God of War. Though I was thoroughly impressed by Sony’s presentation earlier this year, I was […]

Top Five: Star Wars Games That Need Updating

by Ian Dean Okay, so I missed May the Fourth. Sadly, fate conspired to keep me busy in a non-Star-Wars capacity. I did, however, hear the announcement that EA has signed a ‘multi-year agreement’ with LucasArts to develop and publish future Star Wars games. In fact, according the the press release from, DICE (Battlefield […]

Game Review – Mass Effect 2

by Ian Dean When the original Mass Effect was released in 2007, it was advertised as the first of a trilogy, an overarching story that took decisions from game to game to build a continuity between the titles. So when Mass Effect 2 eventually followed in 2010, the pressure was on Bioware to prove that […]

Memory Lane – The Sims

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass Do sales make the game? As our favourite interactive medium devolves into a circus of sequels & repetition (save for the occasional original title like Watchdogs or Remember Me) the following question couldn’t be more appropriate: at the end of the day, is the thing that matters most cold, hard cash? […]

Memory Lane – 007: Agent Under Fire

What would you do if you had to make a sequel to one of the most beloved games of all time? Seriously, what would you do? Yea, I’m a little flustered by the poignancy of the question as well. When it comes to the James Bond brand the answer is never easy. No matter how […]