Report – Xbox One Reveal

by Ian Dean I love my 360 – it is my gaming machine of choice. Aside from the countless hours I’ve invested into my account, I seem to prefer Halo over Killzone, Forza over Gran Turismo, and Gears over God of War. Though I was thoroughly impressed by Sony’s presentation earlier this year, I was […]

Memory Lane – Alien vs Predator

By James ‘Bassman’ Bass The 1980’s were a seminal time; a decade defined by excess and socially valuable moments. On one hand you have lower end of the spectrum – terrible clothes, worse haircuts and yuppies polluting almost every nightclub on Friday nights (a la Christian Bale/American Psycho). On the hand there’s the good stuff […]

Game Review – Mass Effect 2

by Ian Dean When the original Mass Effect was released in 2007, it was advertised as the first of a trilogy, an overarching story that took decisions from game to game to build a continuity between the titles. So when Mass Effect 2 eventually followed in 2010, the pressure was on Bioware to prove that […]

First Time Gaming Moments

Computer games are littered with fresh experiences; whenever you pick up your control pad after purchasing a copy of that month’s ‘triple A’ title, you are willingly embarking on a journey of amusement and discovery. Nowadays the modern game offsets scripted dialogue with formatted set pieces, all of which are entertaining, but seldom catching you […]

Memory Lane – Gears of War

by James ‘Bassman’ Bass In two years time, when you’re sitting in front of your Xbox 720/Playstation 4 marveling at the impossibly shiny, next-gen goodness and a loved one strolls by and says something uninformed like ‘that doesn’t look any different from the last system you bought,’ what’s the first image you’ll think of? You […]

Game Review – Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

by Ian Dean 2005 saw the introduction of the High Definition gaming generation. Pictures were clearer, sharper, and graphics were finally reaching a level where games could tell stories that were not only epic or fascinating, but visually cinematic. After the abysmal spinoff that was Shadow the Hedgehog, Sega realised that steps needed to be […]

Game Review – XCOM: Enemy Unknown

by Ian Dean We all know that when aliens invade the earth, Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum will save us by downloading a computer virus into the alien mothership. However, on the off chance that a human virus is actually incompatible with the alien technology, Civilisation developer Firaxis has given us XCOM: Enemy Unknown, obviously […]

Memory Lane: F.E.A.R.

by James “Bassman” Bass First Encounter Assault Recon; so much more than a cool acronym; in late 2005 it was the only thing I could talk about. Allow me to paint a picture; it’s November 14th-my birthday- and following 2 weeks of absolute hell on a Cypriote army base (don’t ask me why) I return […]